Coming out of high school with 3 years varsity water polo experience I decided I would join Chico’s water polo club. Just like joining any club on campus it opens new windows for friendships, physical/mental fitness, and to just have fun. Water polo is a fast paced game team water sport that requires tremendous amount of endurance, strength, speed, and skill. It is sometimes described as a mix between swimming, soccer, wrestling, and hockey. Chico campus is currently cursed to not have a regulation size pool so the members in the club have to compensate. Preseason practices are held in the pool on campus, while normal practices are held at the local high school pool. In order to be a successful team the members must bond with each other. The team here at Chico does that beautifully because they are not a team, they are a family. This helps the members work well with each other and when their teamwork is on key they blow other teams out of the water! If your looking for a fun challenging sport that will get you physically fit in no time water polo is the sport for you.

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